AvBrand Exploring Technology
9:34 PM, September 26th, 2010
Inspired by this XKCD page, I wanted to create a silly photo where we were playing chess on a roller coaster. But chess is old news now, so I decided on Jenga instead!
I spent $20 on the game and bought some glue, and soon I was all set. Sneaking the Jenga game into the coaster under my coat was not easy -- it was almost 24 inches tall and kept jabbing me in the ribs. I looked like I had concealed an assault rifle in my coat.
Once we were on the ride, I had to pretend the Jenga was rolls of fat. Only when we were on our way up the lift hill did I dare zip open my jacket and prepare to unveil the Jenga set.
The Behemoth is the largest, fastest, and longest coaster at Wonderland and one of the top coasters in North America. It is insanely fast. I held on to the Jenga set with a death grip, not wanting to have it fly out of my hands and hit someone.
Just before the camera, I quickly pulled out the game and positioned it while Annie put on her game face. Holding the Jenga steadily by the bottom, I put on the silliest face I could muster and then FLASH, just like that, we were past the cameras.
I triumphantly raised the Jenga set above my head like a trophy, and we sprinted off the ride and into the photo booth. A few minutes and $11 later, I was the proud owner of the photo you see above. So worth it.
9:43 PM, September 26th, 2010
An epic photo and worth the preparation.
10:57 AM, September 27th, 2010
Very well done.
7:01 PM, September 28th, 2010
That's soooooooo cool!!!!
10:41 PM, September 28th, 2010
i like the amount of work involved, sure you could have photo shopped it but you took the time and effort to do it for real.
1:40 AM, October 6th, 2010
I like this way better than the chess versions. A+ for creativity.
10:36 PM, October 15th, 2010
Hahaha that's hilarious. And your facial expression is priceless as well!
Jørn-Egil Jensen
4:15 PM, November 22nd, 2010
I see your deathgrip.
"DONT... F***ING... DROP IT..."
Kudos for going through with it!
1:57 AM, June 12th, 2011
I'm imrepssed! You've managed the almost impossible.